My Weight Loss Tracker


04 July 2009

July 4th, 2009

Ok - so lately I've been very interested in learning more about grass-fed beef & dairy, free-range chickens (eggs & meat) and organic foods.

I used to be the kind like, "really? organic? what's the flippin' difference?" But now I'm LEARNING what the flippin' difference is and it's freakin' scary!

Luckily, where I live - here in Indianapolis - I have a couple of different places I can shop for very good organic food. There's two Trader Joes (and I live 5 miles from one)...there's a dairy farm in the neighboring town of Zionsville called Traders Point Creamery which I can also buy their non-homogenized grass-fed dairy at the Fresh Market literally around the corner from my house...and we also have a Whole Foods too.

I plan on reading the book, "The Omnivore's Dilema" soon as I've read and heard from many people online that THIS is the book I NEED to read if I'm interested in learning more about our food industry.

I am still Low-Carb for life - but the more and more I learn about real nutrition - I'm loving all the information I learn about how to really eat! No more junk food. No more corn-fed/anti-biotic raised beef. Only REAL - WHOLE - NUTRITIOUS foods that actually DO something FOR my body. :)

Now - I usually shop at wally world every week for our thing I am doing, though, is definitely NEVER EVER buying ANY kind of meat from there ever again! There are SO many places here in Indy to buy from the "little man" - many different butchers and I have access to farmers who sell grass-fed beef...I'm so excited and happy I've found this new way of eating!

I've also found a few websites online that I'm in LOVE with. Such as the blog for Healthy Indulgances. I made her coconut brownies today for the 4th of July BBQ we are having and I really really like them!

So anyways - just wanted to make a quick post as I haven't posted in a while.

My weight is holding steady at 170 right now - but I also have not exercised in a while...And I actually put my gym membership on hold until the end of September - due to the fact that a. it's summer...and i get lazy - lol...but mainly it's because I'm having ear surgery in July and won't be able to exercise anyways.

BUT I must say I am VERY happy that I've finally learned how to eat right - so that when I DO get back to the gym this fall - I won't have gained ANYTHING back and I'll BE HEALTHY!!!! :)

A'right well I gotsta get going.

Next up - I will post about a FABULOUS new smoothie I made this morning with Coconut Milk & Greens Whey Protein. :)


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